Monday, November 28, 2011

Post Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I hope you all had a great time! Mine was awesome. I spent a lot of time just simply relaxing. It was very much needed and wanted.

Only bad part: the MiniSpaceship (my car) had a window malfunction again... this time the driver's side window fell in to the door. :( The honda place was able to fix it in the next two day, so it was not horrible, it just was lame.

In other news: Had a lovely Turkey Day dinner at Krissy's house (same place as last year, but very different people!). Learned a new game. Started Listening to Christmas music (some of you know how much I love Christmas music... ). Made it through the entire first season of Dexter. Worked on Christmas gifts (almost all done!) Took care of a pissy cat. Got to joy ride in Gwyn's mother's Batmobile. Visited a number of my favorite PGH restaurants.

It was a good break! I just need to stay focused for the next two weeks and get this thing done! I am really exctited to come home, but I am also a little sad as this means I am leaving Pittsburgh :( but... 10 days till I am home!! Yay!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a fun break (except for the MiniSpaceship issue) Wish I could have seen you on the joy ride :-)

    Stay focused, the end is in sight... can't wait to have you home!
