Monday, November 8, 2010

Woody Allen...

I was judged this Sunday on how many Woody Allen films I had seen. I have never once seen a film by this man. I know his name; however, I have never had the pleasure of viewing his work.

Just out of curiosity: What about all of you? To the right is a poll that I have set up. Please indicate your situation. If you do not, you will have 10 years of bad luck.

If you need a recap of Woody Allen films I will direct you here.


  1. Dang... I just realized that no one will fill in option one. She does not exist anymore. Sad.

  2. If you remember seeing at least part of it and can sing the theme song does it count???
    "What's New Pussycat"
    "Casino Royale"
    "Don't Drink the Water"... this one I actually had to do a monologue from in my UCI drama class. There may be three on this list, but all together I probably watched the equivalent of 1. Better than the former Chelsea Griffith, but not too much. Bonus question: Who was he married to, and why did he get in trouble with some of his fans????

  3. I don't know if I appreciate the first option. :/

    I have heard of the name, just for the record.

  4. Woody Allen - East Coast liberal moron whose fame was perpetuated by a small minority of similar sorts who controlled the media... formerly married to Mia Farrow and had some sort of kinko deal with Mia's adopted daughter... ashamed to say I may have seen a movie of his a long time ago before I knew better.
    In case you haven't pieced it together, I'm not a fan.
